Thursday, October 19, 2006

Howard Karsh is "IN THE KNOW" One of the most informed and knowledgeable running in the Del Mar College Regents' election

Howard Karsh on his qualifications and grasp on Del Mar College's potential:

"I am the best informed and most knowledgeable person running in the DMC election, possibly even more informed on some issues than the incumbents. (Particularly because many of the incumbents do not read the materials they are given and trust the administration to tell them what to do.) I would point out to you that Mr. Boggs information is usually wrong and he continually quotes the Bond Issue at $103,000,000 dollars when it is $108,000,000. I heard him talking about the college ignoring 55 year olds and older when the college has an active continuing education program. He talks about a maintenance program for the new buildings. The DMC thrives on deferred maintenance and has consistently failed to provide a comprehensive maintenance program because there is never enough money. Mr. Boggs has offered no solutions to that funding dilemma. I have certainly heard him offer nothing new and original and at seventy years old I’m not sure how much he can empathize with many students and employees more than half his age. The Architectural Drafting program he claims to have founded has been deemed by the Rangel report as high cost and with a 30% drop out rate. Than of course he is a city employee and although he is allowed to run for office who is watching the store to make sure he is putting in his time to the taxpayers? I would question Mr. Boggs judgment in running for the Board and from what I am hearing from the community I’m not the only one

I do my research and read everything that I can get my hands on concerning the DMC. Several years ago when I brought my safety concerns to the Board, I was given a kangaroo court hearing. Each of the Board members had a large pile of documents in front of them. To a person they all claimed that they refused to read all the documents. There was just too much stuff. It was unfortunate because several of those documents cost the college a great deal of money and laid out the case for closing the auditorium until it could be safely renovated or as they finally did “upgraded”. Well I read all the documents the college would give me. I wrote a large part of the documents myself. The rest I requested under Freedom of Information because my own employer the DMC refused to give me all the documents I requested that concerned the auditoriums health and safety. That is why if I am elected, I will read and research everything and not accept the interpretation of the administration to be blindly led down the path the administration chooses. I will fight for open government and transparency.

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